Thyme Wisper Herb Shop, Inc.
An online alternative health resource
Making Tinctures: Determining Formulas, Benefits, Safety, Dosage

Making Tinctures: Determining Formulas, Benefits, Safety, Dosage is a book that once you have read it, I hope you become eager to make even more tinctures that will have a more consistent potency than can be accomplished using the folk method. You will have more formulas and the equations to do so. And if the formula for the herb you want to make a tincture from is not given in this book, you will have the means to determine the formula for yourself by taking into account the solubility of the constituents (the chemical compounds) in the herb that you need to extract. You will have learned that the benefits of an herbal tincture are the actions caused by the constituents and that some constituents can be a safety issue. Virtually any herb can be unsafe if used improperly, such as using too much or for wrong or incorrect reasons, combining with an herb or herbs that should not be combined, or used by someone who is allergic to that herb (or herb family) or is genetically reactive to the herb. And it is all about safety when we consider the dosage. Thus the dosage will vary for low dosage herbs, children, elderly and the frail. I encourage you to be exacting and cautious, but take joy in all that can benefit from the proper administration of the appropriate herbs, especially in the form of tinctures. The tinctures you and I make now will be the medicinals needed in the years to come. It is our legacy.
Making Tinctures: Beyond the Folk Method
I wrote this book to teach people how to use formulas of strength and alcohol percentage in order to make tinctures with more consistent potency than can be accomplished using the folk method. This book is written for all levels of herbalists, from the “newbie” to the Master Herbalist. If you have never made tinctures before or if you only know how to make tinctures using the folk method, this book will show you the step-by-step process to make tinctures using the weight to volume (w/v) method.