This video explains how to determine what are the invasive plants, why the Common Barberry is considered invasive, why the US government tried to totally eradicate it, and how to determine the legal status of acquiring and maintaining Common Barberry within any US state. At the end of the video is a brief slide show of beautiful photos taken of the various parts of Berberis vulgaris, AKA the Common Barberry.

I keep all my tinctures simple, meaning each tincture bottle contains one and only one herb. Most of the time that is all one needs. But sometimes several herbs need to work together for a specific condition. Any one herb …

Keeping it simple – maybe not Read more »

Nowadays there is a huge market for pain relief. On television, on the radio, in newspapers and magazines, and on the billboards along the roadways, the push for pain medications and pain management centers is a constant bombardment. Endorsed and …

Herbal Answer For Pain Read more »

In this article I want to introduce to you another amazing adaptogen. Oh. Did you think I had forgotten that in my article about adaptogens (Adaptogens for Stress and Stamina) I promised I would tell you all about the different …

Do Geese have berries in India? Read more »