Making Tinctures: Determining Formulas, Benefits, Safety, Dosage

My book titled  Making Tinctures: Determining Formulas, Benefits, Safety, Dosage is available at in both Kindle edition and paperback. Paperback version is also available in Thyme’s Tinctures Store

Making Tinctures: Determining Formulas, Benefits, Safety, Dosage is the “Part 2” of my earlier book Making Tinctures: Beyond the Folk Method. 24 more formulas are added to the original list of 46 (and took 1 off – with explanation – from the original 46), and the benefits, safety issues, and dosing information is provided for all 69 formulas. I also explain how to derive formulas for those herbs of which you cannot find a formula anywhere else or need to select between contradictory formulas that you have found. I give the sources to use for determining the benefits, safety issues and dosing information for the tinctures of your derived formulas, as well as, how to determine the dosage if no source is available. The determination of the proper dosage for a child is explained in detail. Other forms of tinctures, for example, glycerites and acetous tinctures, are also described, as well as why they may or may not be the best form of tincture to use for some herbs.

Thyme Wisper

Author, Master Herbalist, Holistic Nutritionist, creator and owner of Thyme Wisper Herb Shop website.

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