Open For Business

Yes! Thyme’s Tinctures Store is all set up, links checked and twelve different kinds of tinctures (so far) are on display. I have lots of tinctures to add, but those yet to be added need to have their pictures taken and then their images prepared for proper display in the online store. Then of course their descriptions need to be added so that you will know why you would take them, what are the safety concerns, and when and how much to take. And for those of you who may want to make a specific tincture yourself (following the instructions from my book), the information (alcohol percentage and tincture strength) you would need are also provided. If you would like a specific tincture added first, let me know which one in the comment form below and if that is one already bottled or ready to bottle, I will do it first.

I suspect most of you will be surprised that besides US dollars, cryptocurrencies are accepted as payment in my online store. But believe it or not, more and more online stores are accepting at least bitcoin, including big stores like, and And there are many restaurants and coffee shops (including Starbucks) accepting cryptocurrency payment as well. Many directories are available to let you know where bitcoin is accepted from all over the world. Here are just some of them.

If you don’t know what cryptocurrency is, watch the videos in the slideshow titled What is Cryptocurrency? located in the store. If you watch all the videos, you will learn not only what cryptocurrency is, but why and how it works, why you can trust it, and discover one source for learning how to get it, use it, and store it.

I accept bitcoin, dash, litecoin, and ether. I can set up the payment system to accept other alt-coins if you wish. Just let me know which ones in the comment form below and I will see if I can add it. Oh, by the way, since the value of the cryptocurrency in US dollars fluctuates, there is an automatic discount of 15% applied to your payment at time of sale. So you save money when you use cryptocurrency.

If you are local or visiting the area, you are welcome to visit the shop on Sundays from noon to 3 PM to purchase tinctures. I accept cryptocurrency in the shop as well. And of course US dollars is accepted with cash, check, or credit card.


Thyme Wisper

Author, Master Herbalist, Holistic Nutritionist, creator and owner of Thyme Wisper Herb Shop website.

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