Signing up for a Workshop

What is it? Why make it? How do you make it?

This first video (my third VLOG!) is actually a movie of a slide show (without sound). It is based on a presentation I gave in an Herb Conference last November (2018). I presented a very high view of what a tincture is, how to make it, and why you would take tinctures with some examples of which ones have specific benefits. It even gives the answer to the question: Which tincture should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet? Hint: it is an anti microbial.

The second video below (two videos in one VLOG! Whew!) takes you through the steps on my website to find, register, log in, and sign up for a Making Tinctures Workshop. It actually is very straightforward once you see (and hear) it the first time. It takes you through how to find my calendar, how to find workshops, and how to sign up for a workshop on a specific date. It shows you how to get to a map that shows my location and shows you how to ask for help if you have any problems with my website.

Detailed instructions on how to use website to find, register, login, and signup for a workshop.

Please let me know in the comments below if either of these videos are helpful for you. Any questions? Feel free to ask! Someone else may have that same question.

Which would you like me to cover in my next VLOG (#4)? More on adaptogens? Any specific one? Or would you like a video expanding on that anti-microbial I describe in the slideshow? Let me know in the comments below.

Follow these links for information I have already given about tinctures and adaptogens in previous posts in my Thyme for Health blog. I do plan to write more.

Did you know that I grow Lycium in my garden? Every year it is prolific with berries. Makes me wonder why the dried berries are so expensive to buy when they are so easy to grow in a garden. It is both an adaptogen and a superfood.

I can barely keep up with the demand for one tincture I make. It is an adaptogen. Can you guess which one that is?

Thyme Wisper

Author, Master Herbalist, Holistic Nutritionist, creator and owner of Thyme Wisper Herb Shop website.

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