Mullein Flower Garlic Oil

A couple of years ago I practically lost my hearing. For three months sounds were so muffled that I could barely understand what people were saying. Sent to an ear specialist, it was discovered that the ear wax in both of my ears were so impacted that I was at risk of destroying my ear drums. It is a common “ailment'” in my family – this overload of ear wax. It was the explanation of why deafness was so common among the generation that we put “great” in front of their relationship to us. My brother and I remember having our ears “cleaned” often when we were kids. And regular maintenance performed by our mother was the application of hydrogen peroxide in our ears with the resulting tingling bubbly effect. After the ear specialist performed microsurgery to remove the dead skin cells and compacted ear wax, he suggested I continue that maintenance once a month except use a mixture of half water and half hydrogen peroxide..

Then I discovered Mullein Flower Garlic Oil. Here’s how to make it. You can use dried Mullein Leaf if you can not get fresh Mullein Flowers (like during the winter). I am getting wonderful results using what I currently have on my shelves.

Mullein Garlic Ear Oil

For earache and removal of excess ear wax (by helping it dissolve) and healing.


1 small dropper bottle


  • 1/4 cup mullein fresh edible flower
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • olive oil

To Prepare:

Chop the garlic into small pieces. Place the garlic and mullein flowers in a small glass jar with a lid. Cover the mullein flowers with olive oil and allow to set in the sun for several days, or heat over very low heat for 4 hours. If you are using fresh mullein flowers, cover your jar with cheesecloth rather than a lid to allow moisture to escape. Strain the oil through cheesecloth and store your oil in a small dropper bottle in the refrigerator.

To Use:

Warm the oil to body temperature by placing the bottle of oil in a glass of hot water for a few minutes. Insert 2-3 drops in the affected ear 2-3 times per day.
If there is fluid oozing from the ear or any chance that the ear drum is perforated do not use the ear oil and consult your doctor.

Thyme Wisper

Author, Master Herbalist, Holistic Nutritionist, creator and owner of Thyme Wisper Herb Shop website.

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