Salt is NEEDED For Your Immune System!

Hopefully you have read my previous article on salt titled Eat the Right Salt to Taste. I began with the concept “to be healthy you need to salt to taste, but it needs to be the right salt.” Then I referenced Dr. James DiNicolantonio’s book The Salt Fix: Why the Experts Got It All Wrong–And How Eating More Might Save Your Life which explained in detail what it meant to “salt to taste”. And I referenced numerous studies to show what the “right salt” needed to be (and why).

Considering the environment we – all of us on this planet – have been going through these past couple of years, there is another important reason to why we need to include enough salt in our diet, it protects us against infections. Salt (sodium) and other electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, and calcium are involved in regulating our immune system. They protect against infections and modulate the intensity of the immune response.

According to Robb Wolf at LMNT, whether you’re sick, healthy, or in-between—you want to be getting enough electrolytes. In fact, preventing electrolyte deficiencies is essential for good immune health.

In his article Why Electrolytes Matter for Immune Health, he explains the basics of immunity, how electrolytes factor in, and what happens to hydration needs during infection. This information is what we need to understand in order to help our bodies survive this onslaught to our immune systems we have been and currently are experiencing. Please for your own sake and your loved one’s, read his article (just click on the title).

Stay Salty!

Thyme Wisper

Author, Master Herbalist, Holistic Nutritionist, creator and owner of Thyme Wisper Herb Shop website.

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